Finding Funders that Fit

Aligning with Funders: If You’re a Square Peg, Let’s Find a Square-ish Hole

This is my third in a series of four posts that aim to provide nonprofits with some insights and tips for managing the multiple, sometimes overlapping, divergent, or competing demands of their funders. Last time, we pulled back the curtain to understand some explanations for some funder strategies. This week, I’m suggesting some ways nonprofits[…]

strategic philanthropy

Strategic Philanthropy: Understanding the “Man Behind the Curtain”

There have been a few distinct moments in my career when I’ve had the opportunity to pull back or step behind the curtain of some much-revered, awe- or fear-inducing thing. Each time, I’ve found that what’s behind it is often more manageable than mystifying. This was never more true than when I transitioned from my[…]