How to Assess Organizational Culture in an Interview

Culture Eats . . . Everything If you want to hear the most generic, meaningless string of buzzwords ever, ask a leader to describe their organization’s culture to a funder, potential partner, or employment candidate. Ok, maybe that’s a cynical over-generalization. Or maybe it’s not. It is legitimately difficult to identify and describe an organization’s[…]

Meaningful outcomes

This Crisis is an Opportunity to Re-imagine Your Work

Yes, this is one of those posts that aims to re-frame this crisis, to find a silver lining, to see the glass half-full. If you’re not in the mood for that right now, I won’t be offended. But please do come back and read this post when you’re ready to think about what’s next. In[…]

Evaluative Thinking in Program Design, Management, and Evaluation

This is the fourth and final post in a series on Evaluative Thinking (ET) in nonprofits. In the first post, I shared definitions of ET and contrasted it with evaluation itself. Next, I shared some tips and tools for encouraging and practicing ET. And last time, I shared some examples of what ET looks like[…]

Culture of Learning

Cultures of Learning

In my last post, I offered a basic definition of organizational culture: the system of shared beliefs, values, and assumptions that govern the way people behave in organizations. Culture shapes how we communicate, make decisions, reward and incentivize certain behaviors, solve problems, make change, set direction, and on and on. Culture can Kill Change In[…]

Culture beneath the surface

What Is Organizational Culture?

Peter Drucker, the ultimate management guru, famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Most nonprofits will invest hundreds of hours if not tens of thousands of dollars to create strategic plans, while few approach their culture with the same level of intention.   Consultants like me love to design and build things – plans, processes,[…]