
Measuring What You Can’t See

In my last post, I argued that you can’t measure what you haven’t defined. Too many nonprofits try to measure broad or vague outcome statements, which results in confusing surveys and largely useless data. Identifying clear, specific indicators makes measurement easier and more meaningful. Indicators are the critical middle step between outcomes and measurement tools.[…]

Indicators Guide Measurement

You Cannot Measure What You Have Not Defined!

That might not sound like an earth-shattering proclamation, and I don’t know if I’m the first or only one to say it. But I’m going to make that my primary call to action for nonprofits! Nonprofits know we are (supposed to be) making a difference in people’s lives, and we know we are supposed to[…]

Subtraction by Addition

For years, I’ve had an image in my head that represented the results of nonprofits’ often piecemeal, reactive efforts to respond to stakeholder demands and ill-fitting funding opportunities. It can be a patched together, mismatched, less-than-functional mishmash of unclear intentions and unfocused efforts. In my research, I came across a term in home remodeling: subtraction[…]

Top 10 Tips for Outcome Statements

As a consultant and grant-maker, I’ve read a lot of outcome statements – the good, the bad, and the ugly. From that experience, I’ve identified my top 10 tips for writing strong outcome statements. Overall, if nothing else, make sure your outcomes are meaningful, measurable, and manageable. This requires that they be specific. Read on[…]

Outputs vs outcomes

Measuring Outcomes that Matter

In my last post, I argued that one of the main reasons that front-line staff (case managers, therapists, youth workers, nurses, mentors, volunteers) in nonprofits might not get invested in collecting and using data is because it’s the wrong data. Too often, nonprofits settle for counting what’s easy to count rather than measuring what matters[…]

3 Reasons Why Your Staff Might Not Care About Your Data

In all my teaching, training, and consulting, I’ve seen a continuum of attitudes about data, evaluation, learning, performance management and the like. Like any continuum, there are extremes at either end. There are those who love and value it (like me, and maybe you?) and those who dread or resent it. Here’s some of what[…]